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1. 突触可塑性:神经网络通过什么样的算法在学习过程中调整神经元之间的连接?

2. 元学习的机制:神经网络如何做到将已学习到的知识迁移到之后新的学习任务中?




1. Zhao X*, Hsu CL* and Spruston N. Rapid synaptic plasticity contributes to a learned conjunctive code of position and choice-related information in the hippocampus. Neuron. 2022. 110(1):96-108

2. Sun W*, Zhao X* and Spruston N. Bursting potentiates the neuro–AI connection. Nature Neuroscience. 2021. 24:905-906

3. Zhao X, Wang Y, Spruston N & Magee J. Membrane potential dynamics underlying context-dependent sensory responses in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience. 2020. 23(5):881-891 

4. Zhao X*, Liu M* and Cang J. Visual Cortex Modulates the Magnitude but Not the Selectivity of Looming-Evoked Responses in the Superior Colliculus of Awake Mice. Neuron. 2014. 84(1):202-213 

5. Zhao X, Chen H, Liu X and Cang J. Orientation-selective Responses in the Mouse Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013. 33(31):12751-63 

6. Zhao X, Liu M and Cang J. Sublinear binocular integration preserves orientation selectivity in mouse visual cortex. Nature Communication. 2013. 4:2088. 





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