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2010-2016年美国宾夕法尼亚大学肿瘤生物学博士学位(Shelley Berger教授实验室),同时获得沃顿商学院统计学硕士学位;

2016-2021年纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心博士后研究员(Craig Thompson教授实验室);














1. Zhu J* (co-correspondance), Wang H, Jiang X*. mTORC1 beyond anabolic metabolism: Regulation of cell death. J Cell Biol. 2022

2. Zhu J, Schwörer S, Berisa M, Kyung YJ, Ryu KW, Yi J, Jiang X, Cross JR, Thompson CB. Mitochondrial NADP(H) generation is essential for proline biosynthesis. Science. 2021

3. Zhu J, Berisa M, Schwörer S, Qin W, Cross JR, Thompson CB. Transsulfuration activity can support cell growth upon extracellular cysteine limitation. Cell Metabolism. 2019

4. Zhu J, Thompson CB. Metabolic control of cell growth and proliferation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2019

5. Zhu J, Dou Z, Sammons MA, Levine AJ, Berger SL. Lysine methylation represses p53 activity in teratocarcinoma cancer cells. PNAS. 2016

6. Zhu J, Sammons MA, Donahue G, Dou Z, Vedadi M, Getlik M, Barsyte-Lovejoy D, Al-awar R, Katona BW, Shilatifard A, Huang J, Hua X, Arrowsmith CH, Berger SL. Gain-of-function p53 mutants co-opt chromatin pathways to drive cancer growth. Nature. 2015

7. Pavlova NN*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Thompson CB. The hallmarks of cancer metabolism: Still emerging. Cell Metabolism. 2022

8. Yi J*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Wu J, Thompson CB, Jiang X. Oncogenic activation of PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling suppresses ferroptosis via SREBP-mediated lipogenesis. PNAS. 2020

9. Sammons MA*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Berger SL. A chromatin-focued siRNA screen for regulators of p53-dependent transcription. G3 (Genes Genomes Genetics). 2016




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