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1.Zhang H, Zhao X, Li J, Cai C, Deng X, Li L* (2014) MicroRNA408 is critical for the HY5-SPL7 gene network that mediates the coordinated response to light and copper. Plant Cell 26: 4933-4953.

2.Zhang H, Li L* (2013) SQUAMOSA Promoter Binding Protein-Like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Plant J 74: 98-109.

3.Yang X, Zhang H, Li L* (2012) Alternative mRNA processing increases the complexity of microRNA-based gene regulation in Arabidopsis. Plant J 70: 421-431.

4.Yang X, Li L* (2011) miRDeep-P: a computational tool for analyzing the microRNA transcriptome in plants. Bioinformatics 27: 2614-2615.

5.Li L*, Wang X, Stolc V, Li X, Zhang D, Su N, Tongprasit W, Li S, Cheng Z, Wang J, Deng X (2006) Genome-wide transcription analyses in rice using tiling microarrays. Nat Genet 38: 124-129.

6.Li L*, He H, Zhang J, Wang X, Bai S, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Young ND, Yu O, Deng X (2008) Transcriptional analysis of highly syntenic regions between Medicago truncatula and Glycine max using tiling microarrays. Genome Biol 9: R57.

7.Li L*, Wang X, Xia M, Stolc V, Su N, Peng Z, Li S, Wang J, Wang X, Deng X (2005) Tiling microarray analysis of rice chromosome 10 to identify the transcriptome and relate its expression to chromosomal architecture. Genome Biol 6: R52.

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